Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Literary Translation of the Quran Calling for Profound Researches

Literary Translation of the Quran Calling for Profound Researches
-- Doing research in terms of Quranic literature is an essential factor for promoting the qualitative as well as quantitative dimensions of literary translation of the Quran.
Saying this, Masud Ansari, a researcher in the field of the Holy Quran, said he finds literary researches concerning the Holy Quran insufficient. He called on today’s writers and translators working in the field to multiply their efforts by studying precious works making a bridge between the Sacred Scripture and literary texts.
Despite positive steps taken in the course of the last few years, we still see translators show little enthusiasm towards literary translation of the Noble Quran, he said. "Translation of the Quran itself is pretty delicate and difficult requiring a lot of qualities and literary Quran translation is even more complicated.”
Considering Quran-based festivals as fruitful, translator of the Holy Quran pointed out such events should be held much more gloriously in order to meet the Holy Quran’s status.
Ansari went on to indicate a number of conditions needed for embarking on the literary translation of the Noble Quran, noting that without the following qualities no valuable result would be achieved in this regard: correct rendering of the verses from semantic perspective, observing poetic and aesthetic aspect of the translation, understandability of the text, avoiding archaic terms and expressions, good command of both source and target languages and literatures in this case, Arabic and Persian, and last but not least, having a knack for art, literature and poetry.

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